
What is an Infinity Pool

The name is dramatic and the look certainly lives up to the name, but what exactly is an infinity pool? In this article, the team at Aqua Blue Pools will give you the lowdown on all things infinity pool and help you decide whether or not it’s the right choice for your backyard oasis.

Why are infinity pools called infinity pools?

The name comes, unsurprisingly, from the way the pool looks. The lack of a traditional pool border on one side means that the water flows over the edge, creating a sense of endless water to swim in. This look is best achieved by pools that sit in front of a backdrop of blue sky – the ‘edge’ of the pool will blend seamlessly into the setting, emphasizing the ‘infinite’ effect.

How does an infinity pool work?

The water that flows over the edge of the pool doesn’t just fall to the floor, leaving a puddle, or drop on the heads of people who happen to be walking below a roof-top installation.

Infinity pools make use of a ‘catch basin’ along the exterior base of the pool wall – this catches the water that falls from the edge, before recirculating it into the main pool to maintain the ‘infinite’ supply of water.

The catch basin is completely hidden from sight from the three other sides of the pool, which helps to maintain the illusion and deliver the seamless, stunning look that makes infinity pools so attractive.