Spotlight & Tips

Termite Warranties Are a Must In the Lowcountry – Here is what you need to know!

Termite Treatments & Warranties– the abbreviated version

Comparing termite protection and treatment options in the LowCountry can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling like you’re comparing apples to french fries. Warranties, treatments, coverages, lifetime contracts vs. limited contracts, exclusions… we specialize in offering the ideal treatment tailored to each and every situation. At TTPC we don’t expect our clients to be entomologists, that’s our job and we’re here to help while you select the termite company that best fits your needs.

Specifically, look to see if Formosan Termites are included. If not, consider\ alternative options. You also want to have an awareness of the control efforts that are in place to reduce your risk. Was a conventional liquid treatment used or was it something else? In spite of what you might read online, our experience has been that termite baiting leaves the house or structure vulnerable to termite infestations. If termite baiting is the only control strategy in place, then it may be time to go shopping. Does your current provider offer a lifetime warranty? How comprehensive are your routine termite inspections? Have you taken the time to thoroughly read through your annual or semi annual termite inspection report? Are conducive conditions being brought to your attention? If not… it may be time to seek alternative options. Typically, long-term termite control is not achieved with a single treatment event. Comprehensive inspections are critical to ensure the health of your home.

Use the information above as a guide when you’re considering your options. TTPC’s termite warranties are lifetime, transferrable and cover all species of subterranean termites. Our inspection program is one of the most comprehensive inspection programs in our industry and our estimates are free.